Friday, 23 January 2015

Nearing the end of the week

Thursday 22nd January 2015

Feeling much more positive today that I am back on track but am still worrying that my high in syns tea will show on the scales. It shouldn't do but I am still worrying. I need to stop as I think that this will start my self sabotage mode otherwise.

A good day food wise so hopefully I am no back on track.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Yesterdy is done with

So back on Track today. DH is at work all day on an 8-4 shift so I am going to be so bored so need to stay on track. My positivity that I can do it has been knocked by yesterdays eating but I have to do this so I am writing yesterdays tea off to experience.

A good day food wise but I was hoping I could have reduced my syns a little bit more but on the whole feeling more positive at the end of today compared to the beginning and feel I am getting back on track.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Needing to keep on track

Tuesday 20th January 2015
I am starting to struggle and know I am coming up to a hard few weeks emotionally which is not good. I MUST KEEP ON TRACK.  I am going to have to make sure I have lots of sweet snacks low in syns in the house to cope with it.

Today has not been so good though. This time of year is quite bad for me and as an emotional eater that is not good. However, I am trying to still stay on track. I wanted something BAD and it was a choice of fish and chips / Chinese (not a healthy choice one) / pizza.

I decided that fish and chips was the best of the three choices. Normally I would have eaten the following as well as probably the Fish and Chips.
  • 3 Cadbury’s mini rolls – 3 syns (1 each)
  • 4 French Fancies – 22 syns (5½ each)
  • Crunchie – 9½ syns
  • Twirl – 11½ syns
Total – 46 syns + 32 syns

(78 syns total OMG!!!!! can’t see how I put on all this weight)

Today;s food.came to 32 syns for the fish and chips no other snacks to try to keep on track.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

What the Doctor Said

Monday 19th January 2015
This morning I had a visit to the Dr's. Just before Christmas I was diagnosed with very high blood pressure which I am putting down to the weight. Just after Christmas he put me tablets for it. All I knew was it was extremely high. I thought about googling to see what normal should be but I decided against it as it still wouldn't have meant much to me.

Today I had to go back to see how I was doing as I am nearly out of tablets. To say I am over the moon is an under statement. Three weeks ago it was 185 over 110 today I am almost back to normal with 130 over 85. I googled today to see what normal should be and it is 120 over 80.

Quick Breakfast again before the Dr's.

The car windscreen got fixed today so it had to be a quick lunch as DH was at a funeral this afternoon. Choosing this lunch meant I could eat later after he had gone out which suited me better. This is one of my favourite light meals.

Tea was not what I had planned as by time DH got back he had eaten at the buffet about 3pm so we ended up with a can of Chick pea Dahl each and we made our own rice to go with it. I added in some veg to the rice to include some veggies. We also had a nice pudding.

My popcorn arrived to day and it was well worth the syns. 
I'm struggling to write this blog which my friends will find hilarious as I can talk for England 
so some days I may just post the pictures. 

So Far So Good

Sunday 18th January 2015
I am so behind with the blog that I will just post pictures for today. Today is the day I struggle at lunch as Mum and DH have a Maccie D's but I am coping by making enough lunch or a tea on a Friday so that I can eat that and am prepared. Preparation is the way forward. I did a rough menu plan for next week and did the Click and Collect shop for Gary to pick up tomorrow after the funeral. I need to be more organised this week as we need to order on Saturday to pick up on Sunday.

The New Week Begins

Saturday 17th January 2015
As you can see from my previous post I have had a brilliant week and am 8 and a half pounds lighter. I am already starting to notice little things which sounds stupid this early on. My foot is still hugely swollen and I can hardly do anything but I am better in a morning then in an evening with this.

When I got to group I noticed I could walk further before I had to stop to catch my breath (only stopped once instead of three or four times). Even better on the way back to the car I managed to walk all the way without stopping carrying my bag plus a carrier bag full of fruit. Maybe it was just the joy of all my achievements today. Who knows but god what a fantastic feeling today.

Breakfast today was a quick one as travelling.

Lunch out a Trent Port again. I was gutted as no swede today. No pudding today either. So I can cope with lunch out on a Saturday so DH is happy.

Tea was another soup mix from Mr A find it HERE.

As I won a lot of fruit for being Slimmer of the Week I had some for snacks today. I also have ordered some popcorn from Amazon as I can't find the ones I want in the shops. The ones I really want I won't get from there as they work out far to expensive.

OMG - but in a good way

Saturday 17th January 2015
This would normally have  been just a normal post but this has to be a separate one all of it own. Today I went to group and got weighed .



it means I got my 

The End Of a Positive Week

Apologies for the delay in posting. Weekends get in the way and DH has been at home Friday and Monday so feel guilty spending time on the computer doing this stuff.

Friday 16th January 2015
DH is at home today so who knows what will happen but its days like this that thinks planned for meals go out the window.

Up really late this morning and waiting in for the windscreen repair man for the car so decided on a Weetabix and fruit breakfast. I like to have bananas  with Weetabix but have none in so had Raspberries. They were lovely and juicy as they were bought this week and really fresh still (those who know me know that I usually experiment on growing mould on raspberries as I usually forget I have them in the fridge). I really must eat them more often when they are fresh. I also forgot to take the breakfast photo.

Lunch today was lovely. It is ages since I have had home-made soup. This was a pack from Asda (see HERE) which was free and made DH happy as he had no veg to chop up. Made one big bowl each (supposed to serve 4 - not in this house) but was very filling and I didn't bother using a B choice. Next time I might use syns for Warburton Thin.

This afternoon as DH was off work we finally set up the Wii for the first time in absolutely ages. Now I had to be realistic. I can't use the FIT board as I still weigh too much. I can't do anything that requires me to stand for more than a couple of seconds. BUT we worked out that if I sat on the footstool then I could in fact do some of the Sports Resort game. We had fun and we don't have much of that thanks to my weight. We don't go out anywhere any more unless it is for a meal so this was fun. To me I don't class it as proper exercise as I am sitting down but I do know that it will help me as it is still moving if only the top part of my body.

Tea was a recipe I found on a blog called Cook Myself Slim (find it HERE she also has a FB page find it HERE). Chicken and Spinach Curry. I used chicken fillets instead of legs mainly because I had them in so it made sense. It was really tasty must be DH had seconds. It was so filling that we didn't have the pudding I planned. Mind you my cruel DH then sat and ate some of Ma in Laws home-made apple pie which was just cruel in my eyes.

I have had a really sweet tooth today so snacks tended to be sweet ones.

Finally weigh in day tomorrow I am happy so long as I lose a pound a week BUT I would be over the moon if I managed the 2 and a half I need to get my half stone award.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Nearly at the end of week 2 and feeling good

Thursday 15th January 2015

I was at the Dr's this morning for a blood test half way through my first month on Blood Pressure tablets. Thankfully needles don't bother me but the nurses struggle to find any blood. I would joke it is pure sugar / chocolate but it is a bit too near the truth lol. So need to eat before I go but not a lot as nerves kick in when I do the Dr's.

We had nothing in for lunch so called at the shop on the way back from the doctor's and picked up pork steaks and some potatoes. We are really liking the Actifry roasted potatoes and they only need 1 tbsp oil and they are well worth the syns used.

I had planned to have Salad with Chilli Beef for tea just after 7pm but decided on a snack at about 5pm to use up my A and B choice and some smoked salmon for the day. However, it was so filling my snack turned into my tea as I was still full.

I had planned on having some supper as DH likes to have something to eat when he gets in from work at 10.30pm. I'd decided on Hot Chocolate with cream and 2 pink and whites but ended up with Cracker Crisps instead as fancied something savoury not sweet.

Another really good day not with what I'd planned to have but still in control Loving SW this time round.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Halfway through week two and still on track / feeling positive

Wednesday 14th January 2015
Firstly I must apologise for the quality of the pictures over the last couple of days as I think I must have a problem with my iPad. I need to look out my normal camera for tomorrow.

A quick breakfast this morning as I'm off to my Mum's (with my lovely Blueberry Wheats for her - must get some from Mr A for next week as I do like them). If I'm travelling in the car first thing I can't eat much as it makes me car sick. A good job I don't have to travel every day.

Lunch had to be quick one today as DH is at work 2-10 and by the time we get back from Mum's we need ot be eating. Normally we would have fish and chips but that is 2 days worth of syns and not really worth it unless I really wanted it. So Today I used the food directory to try and find a low syn lunch. We ended up with Stagg Chilli and Uncle Ben's rice. We had the Silverado version and the Vegetarian one is even lower in syns but felt the one we had was more appropriate for DH. By sharing a pouch of the rice it was very low synned. We also had a pudding. Well worth the syns and a fifth of what chips would have been.
Salad again for tea but it is quick and easy to prepare and fills me up so I don't snack. From next week I need to find some new lunches or I will get stuck in a rut. My iPad is no linger taking nice clear pictures so I am using DH's one until I find my camera. It is so quick and easy to upload using hte iPad onto the laptop but needs must. Just have to find the camera and the wire to connect it to the laptop.

Today's snack were few and far between as I find I am not needing them but what I did have I forgot to take a picture of.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The Need for Planning

Tuesday 12th January 2015






As the saying goes another day another dollar and for me another day on the plan feeling positive. Unfortunately, I have not really planned the week again so the shopping was collected today from Mr A and it is only then I realise that I have not got half the things I wanted - oops.

Breakfast was the same as yesterday and I am not sure if its right so I need to go on Facebook and ask my consultant just to check. A Healthy B choice is in the book as Asda or Tesco Blueberry Wheats not Sainsburys ones. Previously so long as they were the same it was okay to use a different brand. Looking online today its says Asda / Tesco / Morrisons but not Sainsburys so I really do need to check as over the week it will make a huge difference (these have now gone to my Mum's as I am not prepared to syn cereals.

Lunch today was a lot nicer than I though it would be. I decided that I was willing to use syns to make the Actifry roast potatoes rather than Frylight and they were well worth the syns. I am, however, going to have a go with them with no oil whatsoever at the weekend so that if they were nice they will be syn free next time. So that DH didn't have to stand watching the grill looking on the net I found a tip to put water in the bottom of the pan and cover with parchment paper and they would steam. A little bit of black pepper and they turned out very moist and tasty. I know that the peas and sweetcorn aren't speed veg but sometimes you just have to.

Salad again for tea - strangely I don't mind so much as its quick and easy.

Lots of snacks today but it seemed to be a hungry day for me. I still can't believe that I am not missing chocolate and only having it a couple of days a week - a big change from the 2 bars a day as well as cake.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

That Monday Morning Feeling

I'm not fond of Mondays as hubby goes back to work and I'm stuck on my own bored stiff. I wish I could get a job but at the moment that is not an option at the moment.
So on today's agenda was updating this blog as I'd missed a couple of days. I wish I could make it a witty and entertaining one but I'm not able to be that person. I can't even post picture of what I've done over the weekend as we don't have an exciting life due to my weight but one day those pics will be here I promise.

DH and I were talking last night that at this time of year I would be surfing the net looking for holiday accommodation but after last year's disaster where I was stuck on a hotel room we had (well okay I said) we were not going on holiday this year. DH booked our usual week off in September as I am hoping to be a lot lighter by then so we can get away. The dilemma is am I brave and book something and gt what we want - risking jinxing the weight loss plan or wait (or should that be weight) a while and see what is available nearer the time.

DH has just gone to pick up the click and collect shop so I'm having my breakfast.

DH is 2-10pm this week but the powers that be have decided that on a Monday they will work 1-9pm. Not a problem for me apart from that we can't have lunch together as he will need to leave at just after noon so is eating his lunch at 11am. So he is having a ready meal that is stinking the house out - some kind of curry I guess. I had one of my favourite lunches . Why can't I make poached eggs that look pretty in a photo like some of the blogs. They may not look nice but they do taste nice.

Tea was salad again - part of me thinks not again but I do fined it easy to prepare and if I didn't have that I may make bad choices.

Snack wise I didn't make particularly healthy choices but I can only eat so much fruit and yoghurt in the day. However, sometimes other choices are for the best at the time - quick and easy.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Back on track and feeling good

Sunday 11th January 2015
Sunday is the hardest day of the week for me. It is the day I go to see my Mum each week. She is 87 now and her memory is starting to go and although I love her to the end of the earth and back I do find it hard. She tells me how wonderful everyone is and then picks fault with everything I do. I know I am 50 and should just get on with it and cope but it is so hard. This is the day normally that I would hit the chocolate and cake big time but not this time.

It has to be a quick Breakfast today as not a lot of time from getting up and going out on a Sunday

Lunch on a Sunday is a nightmare for me. I'm the size I am because I like my food and don't mind an occasional (or many if I'm honest) MacDonalds.

The worse part on a Sunday is that Mum likes a MacDonalds for her lunch and DH and I have always had one with her. I've offered to cook lunch for her and bring it but no it has to be a MacD's. This time round I am being prepared I am taking my lunch and just taking all the comments about how one won't hurt me. To be prepared it means making sure that lunch is in the fridge ready to pick up as I don't have a lot of time on a Sunday morning to prepare anything. So I'm going to try and make sure that Friday's lunch is able to keep a portion ready for Sunday.

Its usually a snack tea on a Sunday today fancied Bacon Sandwiches again (same as last week). We are attempting to get more organised with food and planning the weekly meals and shop so we have actually got the food in but it hasn't been going to well. So we decided this week to do a click and collect shop at Mr A's and that would be a good start. (not good when you realise you have sent it and not actually ordered half of what you want - including meat - oopsie. Just like a normal shopping list on paper then.