These were some I made a couple of days ago using the wonderful art work of Toni Arthurs whose work can be bought from her Facebook Page HERE. These are mine to send out so not for selling so I made these 8 x 8.
The church one has snowflakes cut out with the Cricut.
The Robin one has a bow that took an hour to make no matter how hard I tried I couldn't manage it so resorted to You Tube in the end. 5 minutes later a finished bow.
I apologise that the pictures are now watermarked this is to protect the people who produce the digi stamps. It is a shame that people out there are prepared to share their work usually for a small price and often for free and people feel free to rip them off from making a little income. I always try to add a link to the website where the image can be found. If you want to find out more check out HERE
And finally my latest card makes using Craft Artist 2
This is the insert for the Bagpuss card using the stencil function for the first time