For those who don't know me (which I am guessing is no-one as I doubt anyone but me reads this blog). In my old house I had a beautiful craft room. The smallest bedroom had been shelved out had a built in cupboard and it was organised so that I could find everything I needed at a glance.
When we moved here to the bungalow the aim was to try and sell my cards (not much hope of that) and I was going to transform the second bedroom into my craft room. Hmm almost three months on and everything was still in the packing boxes and I was threatening to sell everything as I couldn't motivate myself to craft.

So a couple of weekends ago hubby and I set to on sorting out the craft room. We made good progress but had to abandon it towards the end of the day. The understanding being that it would be sorted before he went to the football on the 25th October. Should have known better. I need to state here this is my fault not his, due to my weight being so bad that I can't move around moving stuff without Hubby to help me. So the plan was to finish it on a couple of mornings this week before he went to work after lunch.
Friday 17th October saw my Scan and Cut arrive. The box had been in the wars but everything was there. It is now sat on the worktop waiting for me to play but I won't do that until the craft room is sorted out.
Saturday 20th October saw us go to buy a bookcase to store all the folders, etc on. Ended up buying metal shelving as it was deeper and would be easier to put together - famous last words. Instructions were stupid but once we sorted it out went together in 10 minutes. I contacted Lee at Hayes Joinery to see if he knew anyone to put the units together when I buy them and he said he would do them so one less worry. I am sure we could put them together but to avoid WW3 and make sure they are done properly it will be less stressful.
Monday 20th October saw me finally order the two units from Storage for Crafts I am having for the craft room.
This unit is two columns of 12 x 12 boxes. The other holds a number of different sizes of my favourite really useful boxes.
Thursday 23rd October When we moved here to the bungalow the aim was to try and sell my cards (not much hope of that) and I was going to transform the second bedroom into my craft room. Hmm almost three months on and everything was still in the packing boxes and I was threatening to sell everything as I couldn't motivate myself to craft.

So a couple of weekends ago hubby and I set to on sorting out the craft room. We made good progress but had to abandon it towards the end of the day. The understanding being that it would be sorted before he went to the football on the 25th October. Should have known better. I need to state here this is my fault not his, due to my weight being so bad that I can't move around moving stuff without Hubby to help me. So the plan was to finish it on a couple of mornings this week before he went to work after lunch.
Saturday 20th October saw us go to buy a bookcase to store all the folders, etc on. Ended up buying metal shelving as it was deeper and would be easier to put together - famous last words. Instructions were stupid but once we sorted it out went together in 10 minutes. I contacted Lee at Hayes Joinery to see if he knew anyone to put the units together when I buy them and he said he would do them so one less worry. I am sure we could put them together but to avoid WW3 and make sure they are done properly it will be less stressful.
Monday 20th October saw me finally order the two units from Storage for Crafts I am having for the craft room.
The result of our hard labour this morning - not looking much better to be honest.
The new shelving unit from Argos - similar to this - this now houses stuff from folders. It had been my intention to put the folders into the white magazine files from Ikea but none of them fitted so the files were emptied and the contents put straight into the magazine files.
Currently, this area will be where the cutting machines live. The new Scan and Cut is on the table but as I have said until the craft room is sorted I won't play - hopefully this will spur me on to get it sorted.
This is the opposite wall and is is my crafting area. The table came from Ikea.
Thursday and Friday saw me being very bad (with hubby's blessing) and order a few items from Crafter's Companion.
Saturday 25th October
Today hubby was off to watch Nottingham Forest play so it was going to be my day for crafting and hopefully finding my lost mojo. However finding my mojo in a craft room where most of the items are not in a specific place makes it hard to find anything let alone craft. I made 6 cards. one was okay the other 5 I was not happy with. Will add them to a different post.
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